Sunday, May 15, 2011

A-Muse-less Park

Photo by Jade

I'm a showground
unripe in untrod soil,
uncoloured by the watery brights,
that drip one night
for a year of light
before they jingle away for their respite.

I'm a ground that for three long breaths,
calls for wonder under skies,
captures gasps of delight
and turns them inside out for sighs
for three whole nights a year.

I'm a sparkling park and people rush to fill me,

But generally through the long seconds that time deals with one space day space and two dead nights and fourteen beats of silence in an echo of what might be nice,

I'm a barren ground where hobos lie down
and young lovers once a month escape
to blow warm air on my cold belows.

Monday, May 2, 2011

We Built a House with Legs

We bend to fit
between our hardest aches
we listen for a
while our hearts synchronate
and steady
ourselves to stand on our four legs.

We built this house
where tired heads lie.

AEM 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

People are Mostly Silly and Always Deaf

art by poopgoblyn

We think so many brave soul'd ideas:
like we are deadly, sharp we be,
yet without a spark we sag in sea

We might be potent, lungs are strong
but strike man to hear a silent song

The Bushes and the Barracks spokesmen
poke us with their grand demise
prodding pride in youth and progress
with a babbling design

If we are dangerous, young and strong
where have we hid the Battered ones?
If we are wise and good and right
why do the Gentle find no rest tonight?
If we are noble, pure and pious
Why does the father groan for quiet?

And if in night unwelcome truths come marching in
and doubts of wholeness begin to pin
you do not induce a medicine sleep
but let it speak,
let it speak
Then we might see we need this spark
lest sag in sea, we are defined as dark.